A Special Vipassanā Meditation Retreat Under the Guidance of Sayādaw U Tejañāṇa

August 18-24, 2024

Thư Mời     Link đăng ký-Tiếng Việt

Link to Registration-English

Food Donation (English - Việt)  


Retreat Coordinators:

    Ha Troung, Tel: (510) 579-3951


    Naing Aay, Tel: (650) 296-2378




Meditation Instructions     Retreat Information & Rules 



Zoom daily dhamma talk: Meeting ID: 824 5282 3818   (passcode: 491098)



TD Airport Shuttle: (669) 226-2222, thanhducairport@gmail.com 


Dear Yogis,

We would like to invite you to participate in a special seven-day Vipassanā intensive retreat under the guidance of Sayādaw U Tejañāṇa at Tathāgata Meditation Center (TMC) from 5 AM August 18 to 7 PM August 24, 2024.

60 days Vipassanā Meditation Retreat Under the Guidance of Sayadaw U Thuzana

September 1 - October 30, 2024

 Thư Mời   Registration (English - Viet)

Food Donation (English - Viet)

Retreat Coordinator: Mr Luyen Pham; (916) 917-2071 or  tmc.long.retreat@gmail.com.

Meditation Instructions     Retreat Information & Rules

TD Airport Shuttle: (669) 226-2222 thanhducairport@gmail.com

Zoom daily dhamma talk: Meeting ID : 824 5282 3818 (passcode : 491098)

Dear Yogis,

We would like to invite you to participate in a special 60-day Vipassanā intensive retreat under the guidance of Sayādaw U Thuzana at Tathāgata Meditation Center (TMC) from 5 AM September 1 to 12 Noon October 30, 2024.

Children And Family Dhamma Class




Day: Sundays 


Time:  9:00 am - 11:00am 


Zoom ID: 837 4446 6282 


Pass Code: 905527



Tathagata Meditation Center would like to welcome everyone to the Monthly Zoom Dhamma Class. 


The class will be on a Sunday once a month, except when TMC has a long retreat. 


Please see the schedule. This schedule is a link to our yearly schedule or the mini schedule on the right of the screen.

