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The Purpose of Pāḷi Class

Reading the Pāḷi, the language of the Buddha, means much more than learning an ancient language because it helps us understand the Buddha’s holy teachings in an authentic taste as if we were seeing and hearing the Buddha in person. In order to offer such unique experience to its members and devotees, TMC printed“An Introduction to Pāḷi” in 2012 and now has organized the online Pāḷi classes since 2021.

U Hla Myint, Pāḷi teacher at TMC

U Hla Myint, he was born in 1956, and trained from a young age in the Burmese monastic tradition, becoming a Buddhist scholar and a meditation teacher before leaving the monastic life. During his 22 years of monastic training, he has earned three degrees in the Buddhist Scripture and Pāli language, including the Ph.D. level Abhivaṃsa degree. In 2004, under the guidance of Venerable U Sīlānanda and the sponsorship of TMC, he edited digital Pāḷi texts, and later translated numerous dhamma books and authored many books and has also been teaching online Pāḷi classes.

Every Saturday Starting from January 4 to December 27

Time: 10:00 am to 12:00 am

Zoom Meeting Info:

         Meeting Link

         ID: 898 0683 0478

         Password: 491084


       SonTu -

       Pali Class Registration Found Link

Pali Pronunciation (1  -   -  3 - 4 - 5)

​Grammar Books:  Intro to Pāli (PDF)     Reference: Practical Grammar (Duroiselle)

Pali Tools: Pali Online Dictionary   |  Pali Keyboard for Windows 10 | Digital Pali Dictionary  |  Tipitaka Pali Reader

Archived Lessons: level 1level 2level 3level 4


Learning Pāḷi through common recitations (View)

Learning Pāḷi for Lay People (View)

Learning Pāḷi through Maṅgala Sutta (View)

Learning Pāḷi through Metta Sutta (View)

Learning Pāḷi through Paritta chanting (View)

Learning Pāḷi through The First Three Buddha's Suttas (View)

Learning Pāḷi for Everyone (View)

Learning Pāḷi through Mahasatipaṭṭhana Sutta (View)

Thāmanay Kyaw Sayadaw's Dhamma and Pali Sikkhā materials taught at TMC in 2017


1215 Lucretia Ave, San Jose, CA 95122

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Tathagata Meditation Center

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