
Instructions to Insight Meditation - by Mahasi Sayadaw

Guidance to Yogi at Interview - by Sayadaw U Pandita

Benefits of Walking Meditation - by Sayadaw U Silananda

Clear Comprehension (saṁjañña) - by Sayadaw U Silananda

Gems of Mahasi Thoughts - by Sayadaw U Silananda

Paritta Sutta - by Sayadaw U Silananda

A Suitable Place for Meditation - by U Hla Myint

Jīvaka Sutta (MN 55)

Whether the Noble Eightfold Path was surmoned

Bhikkhu Daily Confession

 [JR] -- Ahaṁ bhante sabbā āppatiyo āvikaromi. Ven. sir, I would like to confess all my offences.

[Sr] -- Sādhu āvuso sādhu sādhu. Very well , Friend, very well, very well.

[JR] -- Ahaṁ bhante sambahulā nanavatthukā sabbā āppatiyo āpajjim. Tā tumha-mūle patidesemi. Ven. sir, I have committed many offences of different bases. I confess those offenses in your presence.

[Sr] -- Passasi āvuso tā āppatiyo. Friend, do you see those offenses?

[JR] -- Āma bhante passāmi. Yes, Ven. sir. I see them.

[Sr]Āyatim āvuso samvareyyāsi. Friend, you should restrain yourself in the future.

[JR] -- Sādhu sutthu bhante samvarissāmi. Very well, I shall carefully restrain myself , Ven. Sir.

[Sr] -- Sādhu āvuso sādhu sādhu. Very well friend, very well, very well.


[Sr] -- Ahaṁ āvuso sabbā āppatiyo āvikaromi.

[JR] -- Sādhu bhante sādhu sādhu.

[Sr] -- Ahaṁ āvuso sambahulā nanavatthukā sabbā āppatiyo apajjim. Tā tumha-mūle patidesemi.

[JR] -- Passatha bhante tā āppatiyo.

[Sr] -- Āma āvuso passāmi.

[JR] -- Āyatim bhante samvareyyatha.

[Sr] -- Sādhu sutthu āvuso samvarissāmi.

[JR] -- Sādhu bhante sādhu sādhu.


[JR] -- Ahaṁ bhante sambahulā nana vatthuka sabbā āppatiyo apajjim. Tā tumha-mūle patidesemi.

[Sr] -- Passasi āvuso tā āppatiyo.

[JR] -- Āma bhante passāmi.

[Sr] -- Āyatim āvuso samvareyyāsi.

[JR] -- Sādhu sutthu bhante samvarissāmi.

[Sr] -- Sādhu āvuso sādhu sādhu.


Determination (Adhitthana)

Imam parikkhāracolam adhitthami. [a single cloth] I determine this as a general cloth.

Imāni parikkhāracolāni adhitthami. [many cloths] I determine these as general cloths.


For Alms Bowl :   Imam pattam adhitthami.  I determine this as an alms bowl.

Withdrawl of Determination: Imam sanghatim paccuddharami. I revoke the determination of this outer robe.